Gable flank walls abut the space, encouraging use for ball games and increasing the potential for noise and nuisance.
A ‘youth’ shelter has been provided but it is close to a residential dwelling and fronts onto a public path. This could be intimidating for users of the adjacent path and cause noise problems for the neighbouring residents.
The position of the play area could result in a lone dwelling being adversely affected by noise and nuisance.
The buildings adjacent to the play area are poorly orientated and provide limited natural surveillance, rear gardens are more vulnerable.

The youth shelter has been relocated and reorientated so that it is now facing away from the path giving increased surveillance from the surrounding buildings.
The play area has been moved away from the dwellings and is more central to the space. A footpath has been introduced across a ‘desire line’ route to reduce potential for unsightly damage.
The buildings around the play area have been re-orientated, thereby providing a higher degree of natural surveillance.
The dwellings are separated from the communal area with private gardens and clearly defined boundaries.