Dwelling frontages and garden boundaries are open plan, without any physical barrier to provide defensible space The ambiguity of ownership and ease of access means that the dwellings and garden spaces are vulnerable to crime and antisocial behaviour.
Side/rear boundaries are too low making them vulnerable to access.

Private front garden boundaries can be clearly defined with railings / low walls / hedges. Residents are more empowered to challenge unacceptable behaviour. Boundaries are kept under 1m in height so that front doors and windows remain open to view from the street. This creates active street frontages and allows natural surveillance of the public space.
Rear gardens require increased security so boundaries are raised in height (min 1.8m). Additional deterrents could include trellis topping or planting of thorny shrubs in front of a wall.
Rear gardens require increased security so boundaries are raised in height (min 1.8m). Additional deterrents could include trellis topping or planting of thorny shrubs in front of a wall.