Frequently Asked Questions
Secured By Design (General)
We work to improve the physical security of buildings using products, such as doors, windows, locks and walling systems that meet our security requirements. We also include our proven crime prevention techniques and measures into the layout and landscaping of new developments, such as increasing natural surveillance, creating defensible space and limiting excessive through movement.
These techniques known as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), work together to greatly increase the chances of strangers being seen and reduce hiding places and escape routes.
SBD has a national network of more than 200 specialist officers and staff in Police Forces around the UK. Known as Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs), they work with architects, developers and local authority planners to build-in proven crime prevention techniques at the planning stage to new buildings and major refurbishments. Our Development Officers are responsible for ensuring the requirements of the initiative are met by new joining companies whilst also looking after our existing network of 700 members.
You should complete an application form and send it to your local Designing Out Crime Officer (DOCO). For full details on how to apply for a Developers Award click here.
You can request a Continuing Professional Development presentation by contacting our Learning & Development team at:
Please use our Accredited Search facility to find any of our members’ products
You will find contact details for all member companies and their SBD accredited products listed here. Please note that most of our member companies have products in addition to the ones that have been accredited by SBD. So when you ask about a door/window, please specify that you want an SBD accredited product. We advise all our member companies to make it clear which products in their range are SBD accredited when discussing requirements with their customers, so customers are aware which products are accredited and which ones are not covered by our scheme.
Check to see if the company is among our list of SBD companies here. If the company is listed, ask them if they have provided you with an SBD accredited product. Please note, you will need to have specified an SBD product before the point of sale, otherwise they may have provided you with another product in their range, which is not SBD.
If the company is not listed on our website, ask them to clarify why they are marketing their business using the SBD name/logo when they are not listed on our website.
Secured By Design (Membership)
SBD has an established Police Preferred Specification accreditation, which is awarded to products that meet our security requirements – signposting people to companies and products that meet our high standards to deter and reduce crime. We are the only way for companies to obtain police accreditation for security-related products in the UK.
- SBD represents a powerful, trusted police brand which inspires greater public confidence in your products
- SBD has an established Police Preferred Specification accreditation scheme which is awarded only to products that meet our security requirements
- SBD is the only way for companies to obtain police accreditation for security-related products in the UK
- The police service signpost customers looking for security products to the SBD website where a comprehensive list of companies that produce products that meet SBD Police Preferred Specification can be found
- SBD has more than 800 member companies, with thousands of products in more than 30 different categories that have already achieved Police Preferred Specification
- Member feedback has consistently indicated that SBD membership leads to more business opportunities and a 99% member retention rate proves this
SBD is a not-for-profit organisation which delivers significant crime reductions to local communities at no cost to the Police Service or public purse. Your local SBD Development Officer will meet with you to talk through the suitability of your products, the many benefits of being an SBD member company and the cost of membership. Development Officers are based in regions around the UK to deliver a bespoke service to help you make the most of being a member company and support your membership aspirations and business goals.
There are 43 police forces in England and Wales, and the separate police forces of Scotland and Northern Ireland. They can recommend security-related products that achieve our Police Preferred Specification and signpost members of the public to the list of our member companies and their accredited products on our website
No. Whilst the majority of our membership was drawn originally from door and window companies, it has diversified to reflect the increasing spectrum of our crime prevention activities and initiatives. Over recent years, designing out crime has been considered in a much broader context, such as vehicle and cycle crime, domestic abuse, lone workers and, most recently, counter terrorism. This is why many of our new member companies joining in recent years, have been from these market sectors. Today, there are more than 30 different security categories covered by our accredited products
No. SBD provides an accreditation service. A company wishing to join SBD will need to have their products accredited by an industry-recognised body. For example, we require doors and windows to be certified by a third-party, independent United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) certification body. This involves the testing and re-testing of products to ensure product standards are maintained over time as well as regular production audits. If you have any questions, contact your local Development Officer.
No. At present SBD accreditation is not available for the locksmith industry.
Yes. Following increasing industry interest, we have created a new Secured by Design Alarm Standard for alarm installation companies. Find out more here.
Please contact your regional Development Officer who will be pleased to provide more information and answer any questions you may have. Contact details for our team can be found here.
Please contact your regional Development Officer to discuss the accreditation process for security-related products that currently don’t yet have a recognised industry standard (e.g. CCTV and phone apps).
Please contact our head office on 0203 8623 999 or email with any queries related to your certificate.
Police Crime Prevention Initiatives
Although best known for its SBD initiative, PCPI is an organisation working with police forces aimed to deliver a range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives.