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Request a CPD Presentation

Architects and Town Planners can request a professional development session on crime prevention and designing out crime from SBD, which operates across a wide range of building sectors including residential, education, health, transport, commercial, retail, sport and leisure.

Presentation content

  • Relevant legislation, policy and guidance
  • An overview of property crime trends
  • An evaluation of why crime occurs
  • An introduction to SBD

You will learn how buildings can be made physically secure by having doors, windows and locks that meet attack resistant standards, and how an open, welcoming and safe environment can be achieved by incorporating crime prevention design into the layout and landscaping of the immediate surroundings in subtle ways that will be barely noticeable to residents.

These techniques include providing natural surveillance, creating defensible space and limiting excessive through movement – and they work.

Academic research has consistently shown significant reductions in crime when our principles are built-in compared to non-SBD developments.

How to book

To request a Continuing Professional Development presentation contact: