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British Oil Security Syndicate continue partnership with Secured by Design

BOSS - The British Oil Security Syndicate, has renewed its membership of Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.

BOSS campaigns to reduce crime on Britain’s petrol forecourts and specialises in helping reduce losses from Drive-Offs and motorists claiming to have No Means of Payment.

The BOSS Electronic Reporting System (ERS), which is used by forecourt retailers to record and report incidents to police, is accredited by SBD having achieved the Police Preferred Specification standard.

The BOSS ERS enables retailers to send details of incidents to police online, including vital supporting evidence from forecourt CCTV. This benefits retailers by making it quick and easy to submit a report online following a crime, together with supporting video clips or still images. For police the advantage is that detailed incident information is received early, meaning that swift action can be taken and significantly increasing opportunities for detection.

SBD is a police-owned organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service throughout the UK to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives.

SBD plays a significant crime prevention role in the planning process to design out crime in a wide range of building sectors. It has achieved some significant success including one million homes built to SBD standards with reductions in crime of up to 87%.

SBD have many partner organisations, ranging from the Home Office, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and the Police Service through to local authorities, housing associations, developers and manufacturers and work closely with standards and certification bodies to ensure that their publicly available standards actually meet the needs of the police and public alike. Products must be subjected to vigorous testing and auditing by an accredited third party organisation before being allowed to carry the SBD logo – this is the only way for companies to obtain police accreditation for security related products in the UK.

SBD Development Officer Sara Giles said: "Theft of fuel is a common problem and one that many members of the public often do not consider, however, it has a detrimental effect on retailers and honest customers alike.

“I am delighted to see a company like BOSS taking active steps to reduce crime at petrol station forecourts as this not only benefits retailers' business but also reduces demand on our already heavily stretched Police Forces.

“I am very pleased to welcome back BOSS as a renewing SBD member company and look forward to hearing more of their success stories".

Kevin Eastwood, BOSS executive director, said: “The BOSS Electronic Reporting System offers significant advantages for both the police and fuel retailers. Incidents can be followed up much more quickly and effectively as all details and evidence can be supplied online in one go. Accreditation to Secured by Design clearly demonstrates that the BOSS Electronic Reporting System conforms to stringent police preferred specifications”

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