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DeterTech’s SmartWater sees man who breached restraining order jailed

Secured by Design member company DeterTech's forensic marking technology, SmartWater, has helped Derbyshire Police jail a man for violating a restraining order for the second time. Crucially, the forensic evidence prevented the victim having to testify in court. 

As part of the Forces' commitment to tackle the growing issue of stalking and domestic violence, the woman was equipped with a SmartWater kit. This technology is invisible to the naked eye but becomes highly visible under UV light. Each kit contains a unique code, allowing the police to irrefutably link offenders to victims’ homes and secure convictions if crimes are committed.

In this case, the victim used SmartWater to mark the perpetrator during his visit to her home. When arrested, traces of SmartWater were found on the perpetrator's clothing, providing vital evidence that led to his conviction. This evidence expedited the legal process and alleviated the stress on the victim, who would otherwise have had to testify in court.

The prevention-based strategy is credited with a 69% reduction in repeat domestic abuse in West Yorkshire where it was first piloted.

Read the full police announcement here.

Hazel Goss, Secured by Design, said: “It is fantastic news to see products that are police preferred helping to catch and prosecute offenders – well done”.

About DeterTech   

DeterTech is an award-winning risk management company which partners with its clients to offer bespoke end-to-end security solutions that predict, deter and detect criminal activity.  

With operations across the UK and Europe, DeterTech mitigates the disruption and cost impact of thefts for clients operating nationally in infrastructure, construction, vacant property, and other sectors. 

Find out more about DeterTech and their SBD accredited products here.

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