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Diploma for Crime Prevention Design Advisor at the University of Oxford

Lesley Nesbitt, Crime Prevention Design Advisor (CPDA) at the University of Oxford, has gained the Police Crime Prevention Academy’s Level 5 Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime. This is the recognised qualification for police Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs) as well as those in roles that involve providing specialist advice on the subject.

A Secured by Design Licensed Consultant, Lesley is among the first candidates outside the Police Service to achieve the Level 5 diploma. In her role as the University’s CPDA she is uniquely placed to provide tailored crime prevention advice. This includes designing out opportunity for crime in existing and refurbishment projects as well as influencing the design of the University’s new academic and residential developments.

Lesley is part of a team operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to maintain a safe and secure physical environment in which the University community can work and study. The Security Services team’s core services include alarm and CCTV monitoring, security patrols, parking enforcement and crime reduction advice. It also provides chargeable specialised support services, such as key holding, security screening, training and support for specific events, along with general support and assistance to staff, students and visitors.

Head of Academy Guy Collyer said: “We’re delighted that Lesley chose the pathway offered by the Academy with its exclusive links to the Secured by Design initiative to convert her designing out crime course into an accredited and UK recognised qualification. She joins a growing number of police and non-police specialists who now hold the Level 5 Designing Out Crime Diploma, and it will undoubtedly prove beneficial to the University as well as to Lesley in her career.”

Lesley Nesbitt, Crime Prevention Design Advisor at the University of Oxford, said: “I have been a crime prevention design advisor since 2008, and been working in this capacity at the University of Oxford for eight years providing security advice to the Capital Projects and design teams. In this role there is always something new to learn and the Pathway programme, designed to recognise previous learning and experience, has allowed me to explore further the science behind designing out opportunity for crime and disorder, and to demonstrate how this has been applied in practice across a number of different projects."

The Academy is an established provider of police training and is the ProQual approved centre with the exclusive link to the Secured by Design initiative.

Further details about the range of qualifications offered by the Academy, can be obtained by visiting or emailing

The Academy is part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, the police owned, non-profit organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service throughout the UK to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and police demand reduction initiatives. The Academy maintains close working links with the National Police Chiefs’ Council, as well as senior police officers from across the UK, and is the established supplier to the police service for crime prevention learning & development.

The Academy also delivers a number of qualifications to the private sector, working closely with local authorities and relevant specialists such as architects and planners, and recently launched a number of distance learning qualifications which can be achieved without the need to be away from home or work. The Academy pride itself in keeping the quality of qualifications at a premium and the costs at a minimum.