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Why Solon Security puts Secured by Design’s Police Preferred Specification at the top of its website

It says something about what Secured by Design (SBD) means to a member company when that company displays its three most popular products at the top of its website homepage with wording that proudly declares ‘with Police Preferred Specification’.

Solon Security, which regards the Police Service as its single most important marketplace for its wide range of crime prevention and security-related products, headlines its web marketing with the following three top products:

Defender Signal Blocker: ‘Protect keyless fobs from relay attacks’

Card Defender: ‘The UK’s favourite contactless card protector’

Keyguard XL: ‘The only key safe to pass LPS 1175 Issue 8’

Displayed on a trio of moving screens, each product is followed by the message: ‘with Police Preferred Specification’.

Solon believes the endorsement of SBD’s Police Preferred Specification reflects the quality and reliability that it is striving to bring to customers.

Solon’s Defender Signal Blocker and Card Defender, which come from its distinctive ‘Defender’ product range, have sales running into the many hundreds of thousands.

The Defender Signal Blocker is a pouch that blocks RFID radio signals to a keyless fob to prevent a vehicle being stolen and to a mobile phone to prevent distracting phone calls whilst driving. The pouch is made from a material developed exclusively for Solon and has double-stitched seams to ensure durability. It was announced in September 2019 that the product won the Auto Express Best Buy Award for a second year running. (See image below).

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Solon’s Card Defender is a sleeve that protects contactless cards and the sensitive information that they contain by blocking radio signals from card scanners. Solon says its Card Defender is the highest quality RFID blocking sleeve on the market as it can withstand ripping, tearing and water damage. (See image below).

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The Keyguard XL, which is manufactured by Burton Safes and distributed by Solon, is the first and only key safe to pass LPS 1175 Issue 8, Security Rating A3 making it the most secure mechanical key safe available on the market. It is certified for fixing to rendered walls of various depths and avoids the need for certified installers. Its high visibility keypad allows easy viewing, even in low light, and has space for up to six regular keys. The anti-manipulation, anti-fingerprint 12-digit push button keypad has more than 4,000 easy-to-set combinations. In addition, an anti-tamper backplate is included as standard. It comes with a five-year warranty. (See image below).

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David Simpson, Marketing and Sourcing Manager at Solon, explained that their security product sectors include personal and property; home and garden; bike and vehicle; road safety; housing and welfare; rural and environmental; arson and domestic violence and many others.

Whilst Solon’s core market remains the Police Service, it now supplies to a wider range of customers including the NHS, housing associations, universities and charities, including Victim Support for whom Solon has been proud to be the trusted crime prevention provider for a number of years.

In addition, the company has a popular own-branding service for engagement products and campaigns, including the ever-growing Mini Police Programme that Solon has been supplying to many forces since early 2019.

Solon is proud to have achieved double ISO quality management system accreditations: ISO 9001:2015 for meeting customer objectives and providing consistent quality, and ISO 14001:2015 for measuring and improving their environmental impact. They believe they are the only company within their industry to have done so.

David said: “Our levels of quality and standards that we have achieved, and our relationships with customers, are what set us apart. The accreditations and approvals from trusted independent bodies like SBD and ISO are clear endorsements. We are proud to have developed a reputation as industry leaders in quality.”

Whilst Solon’s main shop window is its 124-page glossy catalogue and their website, Solon attends up to 30 promotional and marketing events every year ranging from sponsored lunches through to national trade shows in cities like Birmingham and London.

“These are all opportunities for us to see customers and users of our products. We listen to what they are saying and that’s vital because we act on their feedback so we can better develop products that our relevant to our various marketplaces which are ever changing and constantly evolving.

“After almost 25 years we are still growing and we are very proud of that,” added David.

SBD Development Officer, Hazel Goss, commented: “Solon Security has been a long standing member of Secured by Design. My contact with them goes back further because I had the privilege of knowing them in my previous role as a Designing Out Crime Officer.

“They are always thinking ahead on new products that will assist in reducing crime and I am lucky to have them as one of my member companies,” added Hazel.

Contact Solon Security on:
Tel: 01352 762266