The national police project Secured by Design and associated crime prevention activities have been owned and operated by ACPO Crime Prevention Initiatives since 1999, when it was established as a not-for-profit, police owned company. With the closure of the Association of Chief Police Officers this highly successful organisation is now owned by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) on behalf of the UK police services and will draw Directors from several police forces.
With this comes a change of name. In future the company will be known as Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, retaining Secured by Design as a trading name and its key, widely-known, trademark brand. Existing business areas Park Mark, Safer Parking, Secured Environments, NPCC Security Systems Group and Community Safety Accreditation Scheme will all be retained under the new ownership and company name.
Company activity is entirely supported by private sector funding through more than 500 companies that make or supply security-related products meeting the Secured by Design Police Preferred Specification, or through security industry links to the other business areas. In the coming weeks the company will work with them and other key partners to replace their references to ACPO with, what will for industry and public be the more easily recognised, the Police CPI term.
Rebecca Lawrence, MOPAC Strategic Director, joins as Director, whilst Alan McInnes remains as Director and General Manager.
The Company Chairman, Peter Vaughan, Chief Constable of South Wales, welcomed the changes and said, “The transfer to MOPAC ensures that this country-wide initiative will continue to thrive and support the police service in the reduction of crime. The model is unique and benefits police, the public and industry.”
Rebecca Lawrence, for MOPAC, said, “Secured by Design has made a significant impact on the level of security in homes and buildings, raising standards in security and investing in research to benefit crime prevention across the UK. We at MOPAC welcome the opportunity to ensure it can continue to do so and to develop new projects.”
Contact: Edelweiss Arnold
Marketing Manager
Police Crime Prevention Initiatives
0203 8623 999