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Oxford City Council staff undertake accredited crime prevention qualification

Two Oxford City Council officers are the latest candidates to undertake the Police Crime Prevention Academy’s accredited Level 4 Certificate in Crime Prevention qualification, which supports those who provide specialist crime prevention and community safety advice as part of their role.

Iona O’Carroll and Daniel Courtenay from the Council’s Regulatory Services & Community Safety Department work to prevent crime across Oxford. They are two of a select few candidates outside of the Police Service to undertake the qualification and will apply the qualification, which includes strategies, problem solving and practical solutions to prevent crime, in the particular context of community safety within Oxford.

Oxford City Council WEB INTRO

Oxford City Council provide a wide range of services for approximately 154,600 residents, 118,000 people who work in Oxford and over 7 million people who visit the city every year.

As with all candidates who undertake the qualification, Iona and Daniel will be assessed against criteria which includes the context of crime; the application of a problem solving process; correct and effective use of security products; site security surveys and environmental visual audits; working in partnerships and related legislation; and running a crime prevention initiative.

Head of Academy Guy Collyer said: “We were delighted to facilitate the request from Oxford City Council in relation to two of their officers undertaking the Level 4 crime prevention qualification. Whilst the Academy is an established provider of police training, the content of the accredited qualifications offered by the Academy are just as relevant to partner agencies and their experiences provide a different but equally valid perspective as to how safer local communities can be supported effectively.”

Iona O’Carroll, Sanctuary Scheme Coordinator, Oxford City Council, said: “It was a great opportunity to understand more about my role in crime prevention and work in partnership with the police and other agencies to consider how design and environment can be used strategically to reduce crime and help make communities safer.”

Daniel Courtenay, Community Safety Problem Solving Officer, Oxford City Council, said: “The training provided a comprehensive and invaluable insight into crime prevention. The knowledge and tools gained from this course will assist me in being able to support our communities and partners in reducing the opportunity for anti-social behaviour and crime occurring within our open spaces.”

Iona Daniel

The Level 4 qualification also provides a stepping stone to the Academy’s Level 5 Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime.

The Academy is an approved centre of the awarding body ProQual with the exclusive link to the Secured by Design initiative. Further details about the range of qualifications offered by the Academy, can be obtained by visiting or emailing

The Academy is part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, the police owned, non-profit organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service throughout the UK to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and police demand reduction initiatives. The Academy maintains close working links with the National Police Chiefs’ Council, as well as senior police officers from across the UK, and is the established supplier to the police service for crime prevention learning & development.

The Academy also delivers a number of qualifications to the private sector, working closely with local authorities and relevant specialists such as architects and planners, and recently launched a number of distance learning qualifications which can be achieved without the need to be away from home or work. The Academy pride itself in keeping the quality of qualifications at a premium and the costs at a minimum.